Information about some terminologies


Sometimes called lazy eye identifies a vision reduced compared to the norm. It is usually unilateral , rarely bilateral. It is considered amblyopic an eye that despite the best correction does not reach the Visual Acuity of 0.7 (6/9). More modern treatments are based on the active stimulation by means of stimulators and specific exercises to do at home. The bandage, if well done, and if supported by other methods can give results in 30-60 days of use. If by this time were not achieved significant results it is better to abandon the treatment and refer to your Optometrist. The chances of recovery are related to the age of the child. Sooner the treatment start the better. Difficult is to obtain results after the ninth year of age. The S.C.S. Method is able to manage such issues and with simple exercises can provide active support working on the amblyopic eye without penalizing the good one.


It is a set of symptoms and signs which indicates suffering of the visual system. Often it is the alarm bell that it is pointed out in the presence of visual stress. The signs and symptoms of asthenopia most common are: Headache localized on the forehead or the temples with late onset and absent during the days of holiday. Burning eyes, eye redness, tearing, photophobia, transient blurry vision of the image at close, nausea, dizziness, double vision, etc. The best treatment is dealt with by the S.C.S. method for it is an active way to eliminates the problem. The eye strain is divided into Simple and Complex. The first occur in the absence of ametropia, the second in their presence. The method S.C.S. is the first and only system able to solve such an issue that does not involve visual problems in the strict sense and therefore can not be solved just with glasses.


Eterophorias represent the state of rest of the visual axes in the absence of fusion. In practice, when you close your eyes, these do not remain parallel as we see them when are open, but will tend to diverge or converge a little bit. if we speak about Exoforia it means that the axes diverge, if they converge it is called Esoforia. In case they remain perfectly parallel it is called Orthoforia. Etorophorias can be easily measured and compared to the normal average. The optometrist will advise the customer in an appropriate manner, where eterophoric condition deviates too far from the norm and/or if this affects the visual status and/or is symptomatic for the customer.

Convergence insufficiency:

Represents the condition in which the eyes are struggling to converge on a stimulus that is approaching. It is considered normal a minimum distance of 6-8 cm. from the root the nose prior to have diplopia (double vision). In fact, if the eyes fail to converge on the stimulus, it will be seen double. If diplopia is presented at greater distances from 6-8 cm. (eg. 15 or more Cm.) from the root of the nose, this situation represents the convergence insufficiency. The more distant diplopia occurs, the higher the convergence insufficiency. Treatment is done only by suitable exercises in Visual Training also included in the SCS Method


Squint and micro-squint are conditions of manifest deviation of one of the eyes from the fixation point; looking at the figure given below, we realize that while the eye to the left is setting the frog, the eye to the right is pointing to the right. If this case the brain can only use the eye is fixating. Strabismus can be recovered if an eye is constantly deviated or can be alternating, where the eyes are used alternately to fix the stimuli, but never together. The angle alpha is the angle of deviation. A deviation to the outside, such as proposed, is called exotropia, if inward is called esotropia. If strabismus is vertical we speak about Hypertropia is the deviated eye is higher than the other, Hypotropia of the deviated eye is lower than the other. There are other more complex types that are beyond this brief description. Micro-strabismus often occur due to Insufficient fusional ability which leads to the alternate use of the two eyes and it is difficult to realize the deviation at a first glance.

Functional Myopia

Functional Myopia is defined as the one that occurs normally after 14 years of age and whose spring is triggering eyestrain caused by a range of work/study at too short distance. Usually the accommodation required to a so close distances (such as 12-20 cm.) to studying or reading triggers the body's response to support the effort. The body adapts to stress and the yield is the myopia, that in this case, sort the problem at close distance, but sacrificing the far vision. In fact, a shortsighted eye uses less accommodation than a non-myopic eye, during work to close distance. The correction of the myopia with glasses is the worst thing to do if the patient is not given a specific glasses for reading/studying or warn not to use glasses at close. In fact the correction with glasses or contact lenses put back in the body in the condition when myopia started, so it will develop further myopia in order to reach a more comfortable condition. And This is the condition of those guys that increase their myopia each year round.

Binocular Vision:

Binocular vision is of fundamental importance for everyone as it is the perfect collaboration between the two eyes in terms of image sharpness, image size, merging the two images coming from two eyes and estimation of the third dimension. For this reason, every Optometrist not only corrects well the two eyes separately, but it performs vision tests simultaneously between the two eyes (bi-ocular vision) and subsequently other fused vision tests (binocular vision). This will allow to obtain a correction not only optimal from the sharpness point of view, but also comfortable and protective, prevent significant future deterioration.

Visual Training:

Visual training, is dedicated to the rehabilitation of deteriorated visual skills Those structures most affected by visual stress are usually the accommodation (which tends to decrease in amplitude with the age) and convergence (which usually tends to create a state of esoforia when under stress). Other visual skills that can be treated are the fusional amplitude, the eterophorias outside the normal range, the excess and insufficiency of convergence, excess and lack of accommodation, accommodative inertia, etc. All visual training exercises tend to restore the normal status of visual skills using exercises performed either in an optometric studio (where these skills are also quantified) as at home where patient can train.